How do I get my site found on Google?
Provide a solution to a problem.
The first step to getting your site found on Google is to provide a solution to a problem. This may seem obvious, but it's one of the most important things that you can do—and one of the most common mistakes of new websites.
So what does it mean to "provide a solution"? It means you need to answer the question that your potential customers are asking when they search for information about whatever it is that you do or sell. If someone searches for "how do I fix my broken faucet," then your site should provide an answer by describing how you would go about fixing their faucet (along with pictures and videos), along with any other relevant information they might need before making an appointment with you (such as pricing information).
Fine-tune your on-page SEO.
On-page SEO is an important part of the puzzle when it comes to getting your site found on search engines. The first thing you have to do is come up with a list of keywords that your business wants to rank for, and then make sure they're included in the pages where they should be present (i.e., the title tag and meta description). Then you need to ensure that those words are used naturally throughout the body text, as well as in any anchor text associated with other links on your website.
To find good keywords, think about what people would type into a search engine when looking for something like yours—for example, if you sell surfboards and live near Santa Monica beach in California, someone might type "surfboards" or "Santa Monica" into Google Search.
Make sure your local SEO is also up to speed.
If you're a local business, you should also make sure your local SEO is in good shape. This means including your address and city on your website—and then linking to these things from other places on your site (like the contact page).
- Include a link to your Google My Business page.
- Include a link to your Yelp page.
- Link to a map on your contact page (if applicable).
Keep your site organized and easy to navigate.
- Keep your site organized and easy to navigate.
- Use a sitemap. The search engine spiders will find it easier to crawl through your site if they can see everything that's there, so mark up your pages with a sitemap and tell Google where to begin looking.
- Make sure the site has good internal linking. The more pages that link back to one another, the stronger those connections are in Google's eyes—and this makes those pages more likely to be found by people searching for them on Google (and other engines). Remember: links aren't just for navigation; they're also how users get around inside webpages! So try not only providing links but also using them when appropriate within content itself: "If you want more information about this topic, take a look at related resources."
Split long articles into multiple pages.
Use the pagination function
It's important to note that you don't have to use the pagination function if you don't want to. However, if you do decide to use it, make sure that each page in your article is a separate piece of content and has its own unique URL. That way, Google will be able to tell what's what when it comes time for them to crawl your site.
For example, if you have an article about dogs that has multiple pages (say "dogs" was just too long), then instead of having one long page with all of this information on it (like this:'t-be-let-offleash), create several shorter pages with smaller bits of information on them (like this: This way, it makes things much easier for both search engines and visitors alike! If there are still some questions lingering after reading through all those articles about dog training advice then contact us today at [
You’ll need to run maintenance every now and then, to make sure everything is working properly and your site is secure.
You’ll need to run maintenance on your site every now and then, to make sure everything is working properly and your site is secure. If you find a problem, there are things you can do about it. If you don’t know what the problem is or how to fix it, we can help.
How often should I run a check? That depends on who maintains your website. You can find out by talking with whoever built or owns the website. If they don’t offer regular maintenance packages, ask them how often they run checks and whether they offer any other services that could help with SEO or security issues. We recommend running a basic security check every few months—but if something seems wrong or strange (like a sudden drop in traffic), go ahead and contact us for advice immediately!
We love helping people like yourself who want their websites noticed by search engines like Google...and those who want their online businesses protected against hackers seeking financial information through unauthorized access attempts via phishing scams etcetera."
Ensure your site loads quickly enough for visitors on all connections.
- Make sure your site loads quickly enough for visitors on all connections. This means ensuring your images are small, optimized and compressed.
- Use a CDN (content delivery network) for speeding up image loading times at the edge of the network and reducing load on your web server(s).
- Minimize redirects in your site’s code (redirects will lengthen page load time). The fewer redirects, the better!
- If you use a caching plugin like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache, make sure it is always updated to the latest version available. These plugins help speed up website performance by serving cached versions of pages rather than fetching fresh content from servers every time someone loads a page or clicks an internal link.
In conclusion:
Build a good website that makes use of basic SEO techniques along with good design, and you could rank highly in Google searches.
If your site doesn't appear in the top results, people will look elsewhere.